Message “Seems to be invalid, Click here”?
You may see the red message “Seems to be invalid, Click here” for the following reasons:
1. Using an Absolute URL with Mismatches: If your absolute URL does not match your site URL exactly—for example, due to different letter casing or missing characters—this message may appear.
2. Using a Relative URL Incorrectly: When using a relative URL, make sure it begins with “/”. Otherwise, it will result in an invalid redirect. If you’re using an absolute URL, it should start with “http://” or “https://”.
3. Redirecting from an Old Site: If you’re attempting to redirect links from a previous site (e.g., ``) to your current site (``), where the plugin is installed, it won’t work. Redirects only function on the site where the plugin is installed. For example, adding a redirect from `` to `` won’t work, as the plugin isn’t active on ``. Similarly, it’s not possible to redirect traffic from external sites like `` to your site using the plugin; it only works within the same site context.
What can do to make this redirect?
There are two scenarios you might encounter:
1. If the Source Site is a WordPress Site: This is straightforward to resolve. Simply install a copy of the plugin on the source site as well, then add the redirect there. The plugin will detect the source link and handle the redirect as needed.
2. If the Source Site is Not a WordPress Site (e.g., HTML): In this case, you’ll need to create an `.htaccess` file and upload it to the root directory of the source site. For guidance on creating an `.htaccess` file, refer to the following resources: