A comprehensive plugin to create an organizational tree
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Overview :
Website Map (Tree View) Premium is a WordPress plugin to manage organizational structure in horizontal view and hierarchical view.
A plugin that allows you to create multiple tree views with lots of customization
Product Features :
Vertical Tree
- Dynamically create your website tree for all posts & categories
- Ability to exclude any post or category
- Drag-and-drop functionality for re-organization of elements (New)
- Ability to add/edit nodes (New)
- Autoload posts and pages without recreating the tree (New)
- Responsive view
- Open links in a new window (New)
- Show totals (New)
- Hide/Show multiple nodes (New)
- Ability to hide/show post & category thumbnail
- Ajax loading
- Fully customized and easy to use
- ability to enable/disable hyperlinks
- support shortcode
Screenshots :
Simple Options Page:
Add/Edit Item:
Preview (using shortcode):
Horizontal Tree :
- Option for creating multiple tree view
- Dynamically create your website tree for all posts & categories
- Show/hide a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the show hide icon
- Highlight a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the highlight icon
- Draw lines between nodes with animation on page load event
- Fully customized and easy to understand
- Option for adding multiple fields in the node
- Drag-and-drop functionality for re-organization of elements
- Ajax based add, edit, delete functionality
- Full support and complete documentation
- support shortcode
Installation :
1. Deactivate and Remove the Demo plugin from your plugins page (important step!)
2. Download the package.
3. Upload the package using your plugins page > add new > upload
4. Activate the Plugin.
5. Go to your menu and choose WP Tree pro.
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